Tribute to Blair by Jeff Fielding former City of Burlington Manager

Tribute to Blair Lancaster from Jeff Fielding 

Blair Lancaster has been a dedicated and hard working councillor, and a valuable contributor to municipal decision-making.

I found Blair to be approachable, understanding, considerate, and thoughtful.  I was impressed with her willingness to listen and to take into account other people’s opinions before casting her vote.  Blair worked well with administration in finding meaningful and lasting solutions to city-wide and local ward issues or addressing special circumstances, such as the Air Park, the Ice Storm, and the Pier.

She looked for middle ground on contentious issues, and was a voice of reason when controversial issues divided council in its deliberations.

Blair has earned her place at the council horseshoe and deserves her constituents support for re-election.

Jeff Fielding (Former Burlington City Manager)

City Manager The City of Calgary

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