4721 Palladium Way – Statutory Public Information Meeting
On Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chamber, Level 2 of City Hall, 426 Brant Street, Burlington, ON a Statutory Public meeting will be held to consider the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment (“rezoning”) application for 4721 Palladium Way.
The staff report does not include a recommendation to Council about the development proposal. Since this is a statutory public meeting, you do not have to register in advance in order to speak. You can arrange to speak in advance, if you wish, online at www.burlington.ca/delegation or contact Jo-Anne Rudy, Committee Clerk at (905) 335-7600 ext. 7413 or jo-anne.rudy@burlington.ca. Speakers have a maximum of 10 minutes each and are webcast live online at www.burlington.ca/calendar.
No decision about this application has been made yet. To be added to the list of people to be kept informed about this development and upcoming meetings, or if you have questions about this application, please contact Thomas Douglas, Planner, at 905-335-7600 ext. 7811 or thomas.douglas@burlington.ca.