Site Alteration Bylaw
Many of you will have read the stories in the news regarding the Airpark and the dumping of fill.
I encourage you to read my white paper on this story.
In my opinion had we had a site alteration bylaw in place at the time, the bylaw would have allowed us to better manage this issue more effectively.
The Airpark is not the only dump site in Burlington and in Ward 6. Many farms and businesses have taken advantage of the opportunity to make money. It is not illegal to dump fill, even contaminated fill or aggregate. In most cases the sites only require drainage plans, appropriate grading and containment. Due to the perceived jurisdiction, the Airpark did not comply with any municipal bylaws.
That being said I brought forward a motion to council that our site alteration bylaw be reviewed and updated to allow us to effectively address some of the concerns of residents.
A site alteration bylaw can regulate things like where the fill comes from, how much can be added and drainage issues.
The bylaw is currently under review and has been fully vetted within the community through Public Consultation. I expect the new bylaw to come to council for approval in September.