School Portables at Charles Beaudoin
Parents began contacting me about the HDSB’s plans to add 12 school portables at Charles Beaudoin school. There were many issues to be considered including school capacity, programing, parking, and traffic congestion. Parents told me without the Portables many students would have to be moved to a new school, splitting up kids and families because they would have to attend different schools. Other parents had concerns around the capacity of the School to properly serve students if more portables were added. Residents in the area complained of traffic congestion around Charles Beaudoin School and their inability to leave their homes in time for work in the morning. Time was of the essence and both parents and residents in the area were divided. Together with the school, parents and residents we found solutions. We reduced number of portables in the original ask by the school board, we addressed traffic issues implemented changes, we worked with businesses to ensure commercial vehicles would not attend the streets around the school property during bell times, educated parents on safety and being considerate of residents while dropping off their children, we implemented no stopping zones and improvements to the school parking areas and the school implemented a kiss and ride program. In 2013 after the Ice storm I was also able to increase winter snow clearing including the multi-use pathway from the park and improvements to service levels on the sidewalks around the school. The effects of this improvement to service will be realized next year. These actions resulted in success for all concerned. The new School Portables at Charles Beaudoin have not been a problem for residents. I thank The City of Burlington Roads, Traffic Departments and the Halton District School Board as well as the Parents for working with me on this issue.
Testimonial from Jennifer Hlusko (excerpt from a constituent email)
I had the pleasure of working with Councillor Lancaster to solve a very difficult situation in the Millcroft community resulting from the extraordinary traffic being generated from Charles R Beaudoin. All our Councillors worked together to find solutions to encourage families to allow their children to walk to CRB. By plowing this one walkway the City has been able to re-direct a large number of students off of Clubview Drive. I am very thankful to all the Councillors for this safety relief. It has made a measurable difference. Children were walking between cars literally “parked” on the road waiting to drop off/pick up their child(ren). One child was hit two years ago. Hence, my gratitude.
I know your concern is in excellent hands. Sincerely,
Dr. Jennifer Hlusko
HDSB trustee