Staff held a neighborhood meeting regarding two proposed high-rise condominium apartment buildings on a portion of the existing northeast parking lot of Appleby Mall along Pinedale Avenue.
While the units on the first floor in both buildings have been identified as Commercial use, the upper units would be sold as condominiums. The 12-storey building would have 132 units, while the 17-storey building is proposed with 192 units. There would be underground parking.
The development will require an Official Plan amendment to allow the 17-storey building, as well as a rezoning amendment to introduce residential buildings to the site.
Residential development is allowed on the site under the Official Plan, up to 12 storey’s.
There are currently mixed land uses in the area, including commercial, high-density residential, medium-density residential, schools, low-density residential. There is currently a high-density development to the east of three apartment buildings at 12-storeys in height.
The Public meeting was set to receive comments from the Public. There is no staff recommendation or council decision on the application at this stage in the process.
A statutory public meeting is to be held next. No date has been set.
Comments on the application can be made until Nov. 30.