Fundraising Relief Efforts for Flood Victims in Burlington

Fundraising Relief Efforts for Flood Victims in Burlington

Disaster Relief Committee Formed

The Burlington Community Foundation and a number of other community groups have come together to raise funds for flood victims in Burlington.  Over 3,000 homes have been affected by the flood and the Insurance Bureau of Canada estimates there will be more than $80 million in insurance claims.

A Flood Disaster Relief Committee has been formed to raise money for people who have been impacted and they will unveil their action plan on Wed, Sep. 3 at 10am in the Central Arena Auditorium.  Released will be information on the fundraising campaign, the criteria for applying for a grant and timing for financial assistance.  Over 300 homeowners have been affected by the flood in Ward Six. The Halton Region has visited all the homes reported through 311 and will be doing follow up visits to approximately 300 homes.  They will be reviewing the flood areas holistically and will determine what steps will be taken to avoid damages in the future.  Priority will be given to homeowners that have flooded more than once in the last number of years.  Recommended improvements as a result of the review may include installation of backflow valves and sump pumps, naturalization of creeks and storm water collection areas and disconnection of downspouts.  I have also asked the Region and the City to review reports of residents covering drains. The Region has issued almost 2,000 ex-gratia (voluntary) $1,000 grants to those who experienced sanitary sewer backup, and it will continue to process other applications.

I personally have been going door to door when evidence of flooding is apparent to help our residents through this tough time.  Red Cross and Good Samaritans volunteers are involved in a door-to-door campaign, speaking with residents whose homes were in the areas identified as having experienced flooding. They have visited more than 10,000 homes. As Chair of the Development and Infrastructure Committee I look forward to the report coming forward on Sept. 8.  The region continues to offer the Basement Flood Prevention Subsidy Program, which provides up to $2,725 to all residents for the installation of backflow preventers, sump pumps and disconnection of downspouts.

Information about the program is available at

For more information, visit, or


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