On December 1, 2014, the City of Burlington notified residents on Donnic Drive that they have received a request to install traffic calming measures on Donnic Drive to address speeding and aggressive driving concerns.
Staff requires a minimum support rate of 50%+1 of the households on Donnic Drive to support reviewing Donnic Drive for traffic calming measures, subject to the technical warrant criteria being met.
Traffic calming measures are physical measures such as a speed hump or split speed hump which reduces the speed of vehicles and increases safety for all road users.
City staff are requesting that all households on Donnic Drive complete the poll (one per household). You can email, fax or mail the completed poll or you can complete the poll online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DonnicPoll. The deadline to submit the poll is December 18, 2014.
If the minimum resident support rate is received, staff will undertake traffic studies to determine if the technical warrant criteria has been met. If so, steps will include:
- Detailed review to identify appropriate types and locations for traffic calming measures and a proposed traffic calming plan will be developed;
- An open house meeting will be scheduled inviting all residents within the study area to review the proposed traffic calming plan;
- Residents will be notified of the recommended traffic calming plan prior to the report being submitted for approval;
- The timing for the installation of the traffic calming plan would then be based on available funding.
If there resident support rate is not received, or the technical warrant criteria has not been met then the traffic calming request will be denied. It is strongly encouraged that each household return their completed poll.
Please contact City of Burlington, Transportation Services Department should you have further questions.